ODR India Portal

ODR India was established in the year 2004 by Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB and it has been serving national and international stakeholders since then.

ODR India Portal is the exclusive Techno Legal Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Service provider of the world.

ODR Portal of India resolves global disputes from traditional as well as contemporary fields. Thus, we not only resolve traditional civil and criminal matters but we are also resolving disputes relating to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cyber Law, Cyber Security, Cyber Forensic, E-Discovery, Cloud Computing, E-Commerce, E-Gaming, Crypto Currencies, Crypto Assets, Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Cloud Computing, Space Law, Conflict Of Laws In Cyberspace, Human Rights Protection In Cyberspace, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), International Trade, etc. The list is just illustrative as we cover many more Techno Legal fields.

We use simple and open source tools so that global stakeholders can use the ODR India Portal with ease and comfort. We also use e-mails, chat facility, Twitter, etc to connect and help global stakeholders. If any stakeholder needs any help, we are available 24×7 and we revert back within hours.

ODR India Portal is the most economical, expeditious and comfortable dispute resolution mechanism of the world and global stakeholders can use it from the comfort of their homes and offices.

We are currently working upon another version of our ODR Projects and once that is complete we would launch its website too.