Telelaw Startup Would Resolve Ground Level Problems Of Rural Communities And Global Farmers

It was the year 2007 when Association For People Of Haryana (AFPOH) was created by Perry4Law Organisation (P4LO) and PTLB. Since then we have learnt a lot and we have shared our Techno Legal views, opinions and expertise with national and international stakeholders.

We were comfortable with our limited growth and limited role of Techno Legal policies formulation for national and international stakeholders. However, things have taken a nasty shape in the past 10 years. Farmers are starving, dying and committing suicide. They are highly unorganised and they know nothing about their legal rights.

The worst aspect is that big farmers are getting bigger whereas small farmers are either heavily indebted or they are killing themselves due to bad crops, high debts and poor agricultural productivity and sale. This is not what our Constitution has aspired for them and these marginalised segment and poor farmers need a level playing field.

But they are no match to crony capitalists, monopoly creating multi national companies (MNCs) and greedy money lenders. Even the policies of central and state governments are not in their favour. No matter how much Indian government glorifies its agrarian achievements, the ground reality is that farmers are either dying or killing themselves. Agriculture itself is in grave danger as the successors of these farmers are not willing to take up a super risky and unproductive profession and the youth are either leaving India or are moving to metropolitan cities of India for jobs.

This is where the Telelaw Startup intends to step in. If nobody is helping them Telelaw would help them. If nobody is listening to them, Telelaw would listen to them. Not only we would listen to their problems but we would also provide Techno Legal services to them at affordable and concessional rates. Just contact us and we would help the concerned person or organisation.

P4LO and PTLB have many more Techno Legal Projects like Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) that have been combined with the Telelaw initiative. Now Telelaw has become a single place solution for all problems of rural communities and farmers. We hope rural communities and farmers would find this initiative useful.

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